are here to provide Christians some good music that is mostly
Christian Rock/Metal from the late 60's to Present with a handful
of some positive Secular songs.. We have been doing this since
2003, we took a break back in 2012 - 2016. We also hope that if
any non believers are listening that the words in the music will
encourage them to know about Jesus and hopefully the Holy Spirit
will plant a seed in their life that they may find Jesus Christ
at some point before their life is over.
Our Statement of Faith We
believe the Bible is inspired as the word of God. We
believe in one God that is divided into hree persons, the Father,
the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.
He was born of a virgin birth and was conceived by the Holy
Spirit. He lived a sinless life and was crucified on the cross
and rose from the dead in three days..
believe that all have sinned and have fallen short of the glory
of God. Therefore we need to be forgiven and repent from our
sins, ask Jesus Christ ito come nto you heart, believe in Him
that He is now Lord of your life with all your heart and when
you do this and believe it, you will be saved. Meaning
now have eternal life. Amen! |